Online News Packages

UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Spring 2015.

Week 2: Story Pitches

Groups will pitch their story and presentation ideas. The instructors from Advanced VJ will join.

Read by next week

Complete by next week

Based on feedback from the story pitches, each should prepare a detailed storyboard/wireframe of the selected story for presentation to the class. The storyboard should include a "low resolution" mock of the story, making sure to block out major sections of the presentation and denoting types of planned media. Post the storyboard online and submit a link to it in bCourse. While you show it to the class next week, be prepared to discuss any interactive elements, feeling free to show real-world examples that illustrate your ideas. Your storyboard is meant to help you start identifying the tasks ahead -- editorial, design and technical -- so you can start planning an approach to accomplish your vision. The storyboard is not a contract; you'll have opportunity to change course as your story elements start to come together and you have a better understanding of the production required to build the various pieces.