Online News Packages

UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Spring 2015.

Week 1: Welcome and Introductions

We'll discuss an evolution in multimedia storytelling and a classification for news packages.

We’ll also go over the syllabus, assign “News Package Critique” groups and dates by lottery, and answer any questions you have.

Taxonomy of News Packages

In the second half of class, we will discuss a classification system for news packages which cover three basic forms: Continuous, Comprehensive, and Immersive. Below are links to examples that will be shown in class.





Read by next week

Complete by next week

Two things: 1. In your final project groups, prepare story pitches for your combined final project for both this and your Advanced Visual Journalism course. You'll pitch your story ideas to all four professors and your colleagues in class. In additional to editorial ideas, come prepared to discuss possible story forms for your ideas, keeping in mind what we discussed in class this week. We'll be looking for ideas that take advantage of possibility beyond just the basics of a single media type. Have your pitches rehearsed and professional. 2. In your News Package Critique group, submit to bCourse two project ideas, including a brief summary of why you'd like to report on them.